One of the most respected conductor of Britain, Sir EdwardDownes and his wife Joan were assisted to die in Switzerland. He was 85, almost blind and increasingly deaf, his wife 74 who was suffering from terminal cancer of liver and pancreas decided to end thier life after living 54 years together. it was getting very tough for them to live as they couldnt handle thier pain. persoanlly i feel they had choosen to die in a civilised way rather than dying with pain every sigle minute..
This word 'Euthanasia' refers to an act to die in a painless manner with someone other than the patient helping them to die.Any person who assists suicide faces charge of 11 years in England. Many people in this world are struggling with dreadful diseases like cancer, Aids and list goes on, where there is no treatment...Every diseased know that they will be dying soon and still struggling with pain every single day till death..Do you think our government should help such people in assisted suicide, where people just drink a liquid and die happily for once.
Many people from England visit Switzerland to opt for Euthanasia as it is legal in that country.
I request all the countries to rethink on this issue and make it legal to help them die in a civilized way...
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